This service is designed to give feedback on published API metrics and performance for any API that is hosted on the CA API Gateway/Portal. This can give insight into response times and how many users are actively using a particular API. The data retrieved is limited to the last three months of data. The response is driven based on parameters specified in the request. The response is available as JSON, XML, or CSV. Authentication is required via an API Key which is received after registering an application within the Developer Portal.
Request Parameters
Name |
Restriction |
Description |
apikey |
required | Enter the API Key received within the Developer Portal upon registration of an application for this API. |
type |
conditional | Specify the desired response schema. Valid values are servicename, detail, summary. Default=summary. |
service |
conditional | Specify the service name. This is required when querying for metrics. Leave blank when querying for service name. |
requesturl |
conditional | Specify the service endpoint. This is required when type=servicename. Leave blank when querying for metrics. |
environment |
optional | Specify the environment. Valid values are Production, Test, Development. Default=Production. |
startdate |
optional | Specify the request start date. Format=yyyy-MM-dd. Default=Current Date. |
todate |
optional | Specify the request to date. Format=yyyy-MM-dd. |
user |
optional | Specify the service account name or portal api application api key. |
status |
optional | Specify the call status. Valid values are Success, Failure. |
httpcode |
optional | Specify the invocation outcome code. Example: 200, 404, 400, etc. |
outputformat* |
optional | Specify the desired response output type. Valid values are csv, json, xml. Default=xml. |
If using a header instead of the outputformat parameter is preferred:
- Accept (optional) - Set “Accept” Header to “text/csv” or “application/json” in order to get the desired output format. If no value is passed, it will default to xml.
Data Response (Service Name)
Name |
Description |
service_name |
Name of the service. |
request_url |
Service endpoint without environment or parameters. |
Data Response (Service Metrics Detail)
Name |
Description |
service_name |
Name of the service. |
request_time |
Request Start Date/Time. |
request_end_time |
Request End Date/TIme. |
user |
Service Account Name or API Key. |
status |
Status of the service call. |
http_response_status |
Invocation outcome code. |
request_query |
Parameters sent. |
routing_latency |
The amount of time passed from request submission until the entire data package is returned to the service consumer. |
layer7_latency |
The amount of time it took Layer7 to process the request. This does not include the time for the data to get to the service consumer, only the time related to policy latency. |
total_service_latency | Routing latency plus Layer7 latency. |
environment |
Environment. |
Data Response (Service Metrics Summary)
Name |
Description |
service_name |
Name of the service. |
user |
Service account name or API Key. |
status | Status of the service call. |
routing_latency |
The amount of time passed from request submission until the entire data package is returned to the service consumer. |
layer7_latency |
The amount of time it took Layer7 to process the request. This does not include the time for the data to get to the service consumer, only the time related to policy latency. |
total_service_latency |
Routing latency plus Layer7 latency. |
number_of_calls |
Number of calls. |
environment |
Environment. |
Use the postman collection to run example queries on metrics data.